This term I was teaching a Computer Data Structures class and I needed 5 more points for my final exam. I decided to have some fun. These are the top 10 student answers. Disclaimer: pigs are not computer data structures, even when they have hats. #10: The Venn diagram of CS students and art students is almost two disconnected circles. #9: This hat reminds me of bloodninja. #8: Viking pig took the time to put on a vest and pants. #7: Note the conspicuous absence of a hat. #6: I would not think that getBacon would be a mutator method. #5: This pig is in mourning, probably because of pig #6. #4: I actually like the pig better than the lamp, but I'm not sure why the power outlet has a wizard hat. A bowler seems more appropriate. #3: I like the French pig. The flower on the hat really brings it home. #2: This pig is fancy, but sma...
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