If you’re a computer science / information systems / computer engineering student, or if you’re working as a software engineer / developer / programmer, chances are that sooner or later you’re going to run into a coding interview: you’ll be given a problem and will be expected to solve it, face to face. Even if you can write great code, there are a few things you can do to increase your chances of impressing an interviewer. While different companies use a variety of styles, here’s some advice that should apply generally. Before the Interview Read up on the company and the position before you walk in the door. You don't have to go crazy - a few minutes spent searching the web can give you good results here. Find out about the languages and technologies they use - if you know some of them, leverage your strengths here. If you don't, try to fill the gaps as much as you can before the interview. You might not be able to learn everything you don't know by the interview, b...
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